Once upon a time, Chantelle ...
So could begin the fairy tale that we, the employees, live on a daily basis. Of course, we work in a normal and rigorous company, with labor law, regulations, specific objectives to achieve... Nevertheless we consider ourselves privileged. At noon, during the lunch break, nothing prevents us from taking a little tour in the surrounding nature, so varied and so beautiful in all seasons, before returning to work.

In the morning, our multisecular abbey, with its rich history (since 937), opens its doors. The sisters are still at the morning prayer or at the Mass. Already the workshops come alive, the phone begins to ring. Little by little, the sisters join the employees, who at the shop, the accounting, the expeditions; our old sisters, happy to have another activity, work peacefully, to the rhythm of their inner prayer, to what is entrusted to them.
What an adventure ! Since 1954, the community lives from this work, both financially (it is a chance to live in a place as beautiful, but the heritage is expensive...) as a balance of his life of prayer. This community work, started small, with the project to produce and sell quality products, effective, simple, close to nature, has gradually become more complex with the arrival of more stringent standards. We have been able to adapt, hire competent people, diversify distribution networks. The presence of the laity allows our community to continue this beautiful story, to remain open to the world of today, while seriously pursuing its community life of prayer, work and spiritual welcome. But all this is only possible thanks to all of you who have been with us for many years. We hope that this site, imagined with care, will please you and make you want to make it known to others. Without you, the adventure of Chantelle would stop quickly !
Thank you for your loyalty and ... do not hesitate to come visit us! Chantelle is located in a small corner of paradise !
- Number of employees: 10 nuns assisted by 10 lay employees
- Number of products developed: 42 Formulas / 85 packs
- Number of units manufactured: approximately 100,000 units per year
- 5% of the turnover dedicated to Research and Development
- All profits are used to support the sisters, develop the business and maintain the Abbey.
Breakdown of sales turnover 2019
The turnover represented by our exports is today very low since (although the diagram below seems big) our export sales represent only 8% of our global turnover. 92% of our sales are made in France.
If you have contacts or ideas so that we can grow outside our borders, do not hesitate: info@benedictines-chantelle.com