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Child’s rosary bracelet
A rosary bracelet enables you to pray a part of the rosary (10 Hail Marys). Initially an object of prayer, it can also be worn for an aesthetic purpose.
This design is sized for children.
The prayer of the Rosary goes back to the XII century. It is principally dedicated to the Virgin Mary for prayer and meditation about Jesus’ life through the “mysteries”. The Mysteries are key passages from Jesus’ life like his birth in the crib, his death on the cross…
Going to a calm place, closing your eyes, putting yourself in Gods presence… pray his Rosary and entrust Him with your prayer intentions.
A beautiful object, handmade by the Bénédictines de sainte Bathilde, from the monastery of Vanves.
Child’s rosary bracelet
Diameter of the bracelet: 1.96 inches. Oval grains of 0.27 inches. Not suited for a child of less than 36 months.
Color: light blue.
Elastic rope.
How to pray the rosary?
• Start with the Sign of the Cross and say “ In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen”
• Then recite the Apostle's creed
• On the big grains, say the “Our Father”
• On the small grains say the “Hail Mary”
More details on the Website of the Bénédictines de Sainte Bathilde : le rosaire.