14 other products in the same category:

(23,33 € / Kg)
From the Abbey of Notre Dame des Gardes (49 - FRANCE)
Enter the world of THE jam. Here that of Chestnuts. Yes, you can tell us, there is no better than that of my grandmother, that of my mom ... Why not, if we remove the subjective side of this judgment.
On the other hand, we can tell you, taste the sisters' jams and you will find this forgotten taste, a mixture of know-how, tradition and moments of sharing. And we're not talking about the strawberry-banana for (tall) children.
Monastic crafts!
Based on 12
Perfect (Translated review)
As good as ever. Real chestnut taste. (Translated review)
Excellent quality (Translated review)
Much appreciated by the recipient. (Translated review)
Very good (Translated review)
Excellent (Translated review)
Excellent (Translated review)
I love it, more fruit than sugar, at last! You can really taste the chestnut! (Translated review)
very good product (Translated review)
Ditto (Translated review)