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The shortbread of the Abbaye du Barroux is a real pure butter shortbread, crunchy and melting at the same time.
They are the result of the dedicated work of an entire community in the service of quality.
A traditional recipe, an artisanal production, for a result without appeal, that of a very good product.
Taste them and you will see it for yourself.
Pure butter sands
Supplier: Barroux Abbey - Monastic crafts from Provence - France
Ingredients: Flour (wheat), butter, sugar, eggs, salt, Alsatian yeast.
Net Weight: 300g
Made in France by the monks.
Gospel according to Saint Luke (2, 42-52)
When Jesus was twelve years old, his parents went up to Jerusalem as usual for the Feast. At the end of their stay, while they were returning, the baby Jesus remained in Jerusalem without the knowledge of his parents. Believing him to be in the caravan, they walked a day, then they began to look for him among their relatives and acquaintances. Not having found him, they returned, still looking for him, to Jerusalem. After three days they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors, listening to them and asking them questions; and all who heard him were amazed at his intelligence and his answers. At the sight of him, they were overcome with emotion, and his mother said to him: "My child, why: have you done this to us? See! your father and I were looking for you, anxious. "He answered them:" And why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I owe myself to my Father's business? But they didn't understand the word he had just said to them. He then went down with them and returned to Nazareth; and he was subject to them. Her mother faithfully held all of these memories in her heart. As for Jesus, he grew in wisdom, in stature and in grace, before God and before men.
Often, we feel, forgetting to eat and drink, Mary watched to think of Christ, to see Christ in his flesh, she who burned with love for him, who passionately loved to serve him. Often she did as the Song of Songs sings: “I sleep, but my heart is awake” (Ct 5,2). She continued, even during her rest, to dream of the one who filled her thoughts all day long. Whether she is awake or resting in peace, she always lived in him, cared for him.
Where was his treasure, there also was his heart (Mt 6,21); where was his glory, there also was his spirit. Her Lord and her Son, she loved him with all her heart, with all her mind, with all her strength (Mt 22:37). She saw with her eyes, touched the Word of Life with her hands (1Jn 1,1). Happy Mary, to whom it has been given to kiss the one who embraces and nourishes all things! Happy is the one who carried the one who carries the universe (Heb 1,3), the one who suckled a Son who gives her life, a Son who nourishes her and all the beings of the world (Ps 144,15).
On her neck hangs the One who is the Wisdom of the Father, on her arms sits the One who is the Force that sets everything in motion. He rested on his maternal womb, the one which is the rest of souls (Mt 11:29). How gently he held her in his hands, looked at her calmly, he whom the angels wish to contemplate (1P 1,12), and gently called him, he whom every being calls on in need. Filled with the Holy Spirit, she held him tight to her heart ...; she was not satisfied to see or hear him, "he whom so many kings and prophets have desired to see and have not seen" (Lk 10:24). Mary thus grew more and more in love, and her spirit clung ceaselessly to divine contemplation.
Saint Amédée of Lausanne
Based on 15
Medium (Translated review)
Very good taste and hold (Translated review)
Simply exquisite, and the size of the cookie is ideal. The problem: it's hard to stop once you've started eating them! (Translated review)
a pleasure with coffee, as a snack, I recommend (Translated review)
Very good shortbread (Translated review)
Very good. (Translated review)
Absolutely delicious! (Translated review)
A great recipe with a buttery taste! (Translated review)
Coupons (Translated review)
Un regal (Translated review)